Thursday, June 9, 2011

you spin me round

isaac commandeered jacob's neon glasses

as summer started to settle in today, we found ourselves:

listening to dead or alive.

eating root beer floats.

making a gigantic mess in every room.

and having a water bottle fight with one squirt bottle filled with water, and one filled with method antibacterial bathroom cleaner...

essentially, a water fight for germaphobes.

also worth noting, jacob is breaking in his "sleep boots" as i type this.

he was fitted for night splints a little over a month ago in the hopes that we can reduce his toe-walking.  although, i'll miss his tippy-toe-prance, i know that this is the right thing for him.  and i'm crossing my fingers that he will have sweet, sweet dreams while his rainbow-foam and car-printed splints work their stretching magic.

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